317-715-1415 wellness@spirewell.com

Meet Our Trainer – Alexis

  This week’s Trainer spotlight is Alexis Mitchell! We love this girl and the way incorporates fun into her workouts. You can find out more about Alexis below! Education/Certifications Fitness Management & Personal Training through IUPUI (2017) PT Certification (Summer 2016) Training Specialties: Bootcamp classes Dance Instructor Works one on one with personal training Group fitness classes Fitness Passions: “My favorite type of passions are intense bootcamp style workouts and weight training. I love working out and dancing. These fitness activities keep me young and moving. Proper nutrition – when it comes to eating, I eat within moderation. I try to choose the healthier options when going out to...

Exercising Outdoors: Beat the Summer Heat

Exercising Outdoors: Beat the Summer Heat   It’s beautiful outdoors this time of year, and the warm weather makes it impossible to stay indoors. Summer is the perfect time to enjoy some outdoor activities. Whether it’s grilling out, taking a walk, going on a family bike ride, it’s all fun and games when its warm out- that is until it’s TOO warm. We all crave summertime until we’re faced with its realities. Stifling heat, high humidity, and the many times we question why in the world we invested in those black leather seats.   While the heat can be an annoyance (and sometimes downright unbearable), it can also be dangerous. In particular, if you’re trying to start or continue a workout routine. It’s difficult to run on a treadmill or stationary bike when you know you know that you could be doing the same thing in the real world with fresh air.   The good news is- you are entirely free to exercise outdoors. There are even benefits to exercising in the heat and having your workout inspired by the outdoors. So do it, go outside, but keep in mind that heat safety is of the utmost importance. If you exercise outdoors without understanding the effects of heat on your body, you are at risk of experiencing heat-related illnesses that cause stress on the body. Here are a few ways you can make sure you’re staying safe during your outdoor workouts.   Keep your eye on the forecast If you are trying to decide when you’re going to fit your workout, keep your eye on the temperatures. Maybe it’s...

CHIP: The Right Choice for Your Employees

  CHIP: The Right Choice for Your Employees? If you’re reading this, then I’m guessing that you’ve heard about the CHIP Program (if not then read this article to catch up (insert article link here) and now you’re trying to decide if this is a step that your business should take for its employees’ health. The success stories of the program are increasing, with more than 75,000 graduated the program with positive results, but is it for you and your company? Here are some ways to know if the program is right for you:   If you are looking to increase employee productivity/satisfaction: Then you should keep your eye on this program. Employees who are not engaged in healthy lifestyles tend to be less productive, have less job satisfaction, and an increased insurance rates (Casio, Grawitch).  Choosing a program such as CHIP allows or early intervention, prevention, and the reversal of disease progression, employees can be healthier, happier and more productive. CHIP describes these results as both employer and employee “enjoying substantially reduced medical costs and an improved bottom line.”   If you want a program that caters to more than obesity management: A lot of programs out there are pushing for obesity management, and while this is a significant health factor, there are so many more facets of health management. CHIP follows the mantra that more than 75% of our western diseases are lifestyle related. This concept infers that with the lifestyle changes promoted by this project, diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, certain adult cancers, depression/anxiety, and fatigue. CHIP has had multiple screenings that show significant improvement...

Seasons of Eating

Health benefits Eating a diet rich in vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet may reduce risk for heart disease, including heart attack and stroke. Eating a diet rich in some vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet may protect against certain types of cancers. Diets rich in foods containing fiber, such as some vegetables and fruits, may reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. Eating vegetables and fruits rich in potassium as part of an overall healthy diet may lower blood pressure, and may also reduce the risk of developing kidney stones and help to decrease bone loss. Eating foods such as vegetables that are lower in calories per cup instead of some other higher-calorie food may be useful in helping to lower calorie...

Would you like to change your employee population diabetic statistics………..

Are you still looking for a program that helps your employees and dependents with a program that helps them lose FAT weight.  A program that helps their diabetic state, stress management, and allows them to eat foods within their lifestyle.  We have a program that I know will make your employees healthier and might even reduce the spend of medications to the employees and employer.  A program that helps change behavior and that is sustainable.   We have a client that has had 335 employees go thru this program losing a total of 5,312 fat lbs over 2.5 years……WOW!  And 80% has sustained that weight after the program.  Would you like to learn more about this program?  We know America faces more and more cases of DIABETES…..help your...